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来源:湖北警官学院学报 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-08-04
摘要:Jutroduction 帮助妇女加油还为其支付,可能吗?别说,还真就有一位热心警官这么做了。他的助人照片最近走红了脸书,而他的事迹也赢得了公众的尊重和感激。 A now-viral Facebook post de



A now-viral Facebook post describes how a police officer helped out an elderly woman in a big way,during an encounter at a gas station on Friday.

“An elderly woman came into my station today and gave me$3 in change to put on her gas pump(汽油泵),” Seth Kazz,who Fox 4 identified as a Citgo gas station owner in St.Clair Shores,Michigan,recalled.

Kazz added that a nearby officer was listening“and saw she was using a cane(手杖),struggling to walk back to her car”.

The officer,Kazz explained,headed outside and said he'd pump her gas himself.

“After a few minutes of getting to know one another he realized she was really struggling and didn't have any gas or money left,” he shared.“The$3 will only get her so far.”

The officer wasn't to Kazz's account,he went inside and paid more for the woman's gas.

“He went back and finished pumping and she told him her husband had recently passed away and she is stuck paying all their bills and is behind every $20 really helped her!”Kazz said.

The Facebook poster spoke about police officers in his message,which as of Monday night had more than 20,000 reactions,1,700 comments and 8,700 shares.

“Nowadays there's so much negativity towards police one respects them,” Kazz wrote.“We hear all the complaints and ‘bad''m not saying every officer is 'm sure someare at faultat times.We all make mistakes,but we should all respect,appreciate,and thank them for what they do.”

Further down in the post,Kazz wrote,“To all the men and women in blue I THANK YOU for your service!”

Kazz did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Fox News on Monday.

Reading Check

1.Why did the police officer pay for the elderly woman's gas?(no more than 30 words)

2.Why did Kazz speak about police officers in his Facebook post?(no more than 25 words)

Language Study

Difficult sentence

Kazz added that a nearby officer was listening “and saw she was using a cane,struggling to walk back to her car”.


【点石成金】本句中,动词add后为that引导的宾语从句,从句中struggling to walk back to her car为现在分词作方式状语。

Using Language

Ⅰ.Important vocabulary in the text

1.be/get stuck doing sth 被……缠住

2.be at fault 有错误;出问题

Ⅱ.Translate the following sentences with the vocabulary given above.



文章来源:《湖北警官学院学报》 网址: http://www.hbjgxyxb.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0804/565.html


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